[WP] You were only 5 years old when you sold your soul to the Devil, (promptly forgetting about it) and now you are 21 he's come to renew the contract.

Timothy sat hunched at his desk as tears streamed endlessly down his cheeks. He had just messed up his Essay for the fifth time and it was due tomorrow, the balls of paper in the corner a resemblance of his stress as they piled up now forming a pyramid. It wasn't due to a lack of intelligence that he was struggling, he could of nailed this essay in three days easy -that is if he didn't play video games last night and the night before that. But Essay's were boring and video games fun, it was a simple decision - the he now regretted completely.

In the corner of the room sat a red figure, Timothy had noticed him for the last hour but refused to acknowledge the imaginary creature.

"That's the fifth one you've thrown, boy." The creature spoke leisurely, as if it had all the time in the world.

"Leave me alone..." Timothy humphed, turning back to his work.

The red creature smirked, it's pointy tail floating upward in excitement."What if I told you that I can help?" It licked it's lips drawing closer to Timothy.

"How can you help me? You've been sitting there doing nothing the entire time." Timothy responded bluntly.

"Well boy I can get this Essay done for you in the click of my fingers, or I can do more. You name it and I'll prove it's possible." The creature sat on the corner of his desk, looking down on Timothy.

"Can you give me a million dollars?" Timothy chuckled at the ugly beast.

"Well yes I can. But there's a cost." The creature responded.

Timothy's gaze shot up, "Wait... What, you can? Who are you? I've seen you somewhere before, I'm sure of it."

"My friends call me Lucifer." With a wink and a smirk the devil revealed a mouth full of sharp, bloody teeth.

Timothy pulled back, "Eurgh, that's not what I was talking about. I thought you were Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog! What a bummer." He shook his head in disappointment.

"Anyway, you're the Devil. I'll take the deal, give me the million now." Timothy spoke impatiently.

The Devil's eyebrows rose, "You don't want to know the terms and conditions kid?"

"No, I dont care. Get it done, I want it now." Timothy folded his arms in anticipation.

The Devil shrugged, "Well okay kid -you haven't changed a bit. But the price is higher this time, you'll learn." He clicked his fingers disappearing and his place sat one million in bills.

That next day, Timothy handed in his Essay with a big "FUCK YOU" written across the front page. He immediately dropped out of university and spent his days playing online games.

When he turned 28, 7 years later, his mother passed and he went to her funeral. His speech was like that of a stranger because he never spent time getting to know her. When he was 32 the same thing happened to his father, but Timothy had to choose between that or attending dreamhack one of the worlds greatest online events.

His father was never buried but cremated instead, no one knew he'd even passed besides Timothy.

After giving up his stint in gaming, Timothy met a girl that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Their relationship was short lived as she was killed in an earthquake during their honeymoon.

He returned home, locked himself in his room and played his games, day in day out for the next 3 years.

On Timothy's 40th Birthday the Devil came back to visit. Timothy sat alone in the middle of his lounge, overweight, broke and tired of his computer games.

"You're a sorry sight..." The Devil spoke gleefully from the corner of the room.

"I'm ready to go... I deserve hell, I need it. I am ready..." He looked up at the devil, pleading for him to take his life.

The Devil spat at him in disgust, "I told you boy, I told you to ask about the conditions!!!!"

"What... What do you mean?" Timothy looked up, the remaining hope in his eyes dying, "You want me right? My soul? My life?"

The Devil shook his head, "No boy, you've got it all wrong. The conditions weren't to take your soul. We wanted the soul's of everybody around you." The Devil laughed a high pitched screaming laugh.

It chilled Timothy to the bone. That's when it all hit him, the death of his family, friends, his life worthless because of one decision.

"You took my father, my mother, my lover, you made me addicted to these stupid games that do nothing for me, you left me broken" Timothy sat back, tears rolled endlessly down either cheek.

"Your life is yours my friend. It was grand doing business with you." The Devil bowed and disappeared, never to visit Timothy again.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread