anyone from this great sub ever banged any of the OP oxys?

First of all, gonna say that these are obviously not to be ived. It's even more apparent once you go to draw your solution up and it's thick like sludge. That being said, I can appreciate the "idgaf I'm doing a mf shot" perspective, as I have been there countless times. I'll share my experience in hopes of helping you semi-succeed. In no way is this even remotely safe. Furthermore, I am well aware that science says heat destroys the active ingredient. Simply sharing a personal experience.

-Clip OP 80 with clippers into tiny pieces. Not necessary to remove coating, but if you have a dremel or some type of file that would work, I'd imagine that powder would be better than pill chunks. -Put chunks in big spoon, maybe a stirring spoon? Teaspoon way too small and tablespoon just barely big enough. I used a big spoon used in cooking. Plastic handle but metal bowl part of spoon. Cuz I was scared of spilling my dope. Junkies gonna junk. -Add heat to DRY pill pieces. It takes awhile, but the white parts of the pill will start to turn golden brown. I made sure all white was heated to golden by turning pill pieces to brown all sides. -Add water. I suggest adding a LOT of water (1.5ml) even though I only used a 1ml rig. Two reasons: spoon is hot as fuck, some water will immediately evaporate. And this shit is gonna be brown & thick ish. -Add cotton, draw up, bombs away. TIPS: -Helps if you draw up liquid asap so liquid is still warmish and moves easier. Let it cool before slamming just cuz hot liquid iv seems dangerous. However thick cold liquid iv also seems dangerous. Are you sure about this, OP? Just eat the pill dude. Will take away withdrawal and last much longer. Something like 80% BA oral, and there's no rush when ived, not to mention barely any real "effect." -Also larger guage needle (I've never used bigger than 29) will probably prevent clogs. I can see a 31 clogging easily with this sludge. -Eat what's in the spoon. I always scraped pill pieces and cotton and parachuted.

The rush is negligible. And you also get high when you eat the leftover shit. Just wanted to let you know you're not exactly wasting your pill by doing this. I can see how this is similar to the oven or microwave crisping, but I haven't tried those. Only sharing my experience. No matter how stupid and mediocre. Reconsider, OP.

/r/opiates Thread