[WP] In a world where the average IQ doubles over night, you are the only person whose IQ is left unchanged and you must start your Journey to cope with being stupider than the rest of the world.

Day Three:

Credo ut intelligam. (I think I get it.)

Amy came to visit me a couple of minutes later. Instead of her cleavage-showing clothes, she was wearing a stylish black pencil skirt and a business blazer that made her look powerful, intelligent. She’d also done something with her hair and reduced the amount of make-up that she usually wore. Wow. For the first time in a long time, she looked attractive.

“Hey, Rick,” she said in her classic tone. “The team’s finished the program, and we were wondering what to do next.” What was that? No eyelash-fluttering? No leaning over the table to brush with my hand? Wow, she’d really changed overnight.

Cool, the team had finished the day’s algorithms. Not bad at all, considering that it wasn’t even midday.

“Great,” I said. “You can move on to tomorrow’s tasks.”

She giggled uncontrollably. “No, no. We’ve finished the whole program, the one that’s due in six months’ time.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“No,” she said, somewhat annoyed. “We were just really inspired, and we managed to write the code without adding any bugs. I’d say we’re ready to launch.”

Wow. No bugs, no questions, and I didn’t have to explain anything. That was weird and it made me feel dumber, but it was good. It meant I had to work less. And I’d have to be nicer to my boss because someone else had apparently learned to code.

“Just… move on to the next program.” I gave her Smith’s diagrams. “Here, Smith wants these added to the airport security program.”

She glanced over them and quickly nodded. She couldn’t have understood it so quickly. It had taken me longer to understand it myself!

“Good. We’ll get on with it right now.” She turned around and walked towards the door with a confident step. No extra curve-swinging and no making herself noted to flirt with me. It was weird, but in a good way. Just before reaching the door, she turned around and added, “We’ll order some pizzas if we finish before lunch. I’m sure the guys would love it if you joined us. I won’t be there, though. I’m a little bit busy today, and I want to get some reading done.”

“Oh, the book about the intern at the fashion company?” I asked, remembering our conversation from the previous day. What was wrong with me? Was I suddenly interested in whatever she had to say? I didn’t know what was going on, but she was definitely different and in a good way.

To be continued in Day Four.

Copyright © 2015 Alex Harland.

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