[WP] Write a story about pennies

The coin struck the tile and became a flicker of light, held in the balance of time.

With each rotation, the whistling of the wind around it slowly died down.

Eventually, all that was left the resounding bounce of metal as the coin came to a stand still. Laying flat on it's back.

Coin watched as men and woman walked past. A red, orange and green light blinked above it all day long. Coin's world changed from darkness to light very often, sometimes when light came again chewing gum would be stuck to it's surface.

Coin hated the cars and the way they hooted at one another. Whenever a big one would hoot, coin's entire body would vibrate.

Coin liked one particular man, who was dressed and black rags and lived nearby. The man spent all day looking after coins, and he would clean them and keep them safe. In all his time living on the tile he never saw the man leave one coin behind.

The man grew a beard over time, and his body shriveled getting smaller, while the bodies of other's grew bigger. Coin found it confusing and wanted to help the man. Is this what happens when you spend all day pleading and trying to help the coin's of the world?

One morning when the sun came out, coin watched the man lying flat on the ground, like a coin. For the first time ever the man hadn't gotten up and tried to save coin's. He wanted to help the man, to make him get up.

But no matter how much strength he mustered, he couldn't budge from his tile.

Coin groaned and pushed. But he stayed put, firmly stuck to the black ground. Coin captured the light around him and shone as bright as he possibly could. But people had dampened his glow and he was as black as the tile he lay upon.

A lady in red and white came and they took the man and all his coin's away.

It was the saddest thing coin had ever experienced.

His only friend had been taken away, his one chance at salvation.

Coin looked at the ground around him and decided then he would change.

His black and dampened spirit suited the ground around him. He'd no longer be known as coin, they could call him 'tile' from now until the end.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread