[WP] You've always carried the subtle, lingering fear that someone could read your mind while you were in public, but you had always written it off as a silly form of social anxiety. That is, until you spotted someone on the subway home lip-syncing the song stuck in your head.

I knew he was thinking it.

The same thing I was thinking.

I know what you're thinking too. "That's crazy!" You're right, of course. It's crazy. But I swear - the lyrics were running though my brain - I don't know why - and the lyrics were running though his brain as well.

They had to be. They were right there on his lips, you see.

Our eyes met.

Did our eyes meet?

Our eyes met.

This is weird.


Well, yes.

But our eyes met.

I thought the thought. You know the one. Everyone thinks it at some point, but no one really takes it seriously. Looking right at him, I thought, "Can you hear what I'm thinking?"

He looked at me.

He kept looking at me.

His eyes widened, and he kept looking at me.

Then he ran.


That was weird.

I wonder if I should folaflkasadifasd.a.sfalsdfkf





Glancing though the data dumps, James sent a message to his boss. "FYI: simulation crashed last night. memory corruption it looks like. restarted at t-2d, no problems noted."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread