WTC buildings 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the 9/11 attacks

The infrared satellite shot shows the absolute destruction that occurred on 911, note all but the North Wing of WTC 4 has disappeared completely .. the two planes that struck the towers did not possess enough kinetic energy to cause this level of destruction!

Thermate residues from demolition charges built into the the towers during construction have been identified in the dust from the fallout.

The thermate charges were used to sever the steel beams that formed the skeleton of the towers, and were in no way responsible for the tremendous damage to WTC's 3, 4, 5, & 6!

As well conventional explosives similarly built in during construction that were used to bring Bldg 7 down, thermonuclear demolition charges had been placed inside the towers, which were detonated on the day bringing them down.

Those same thermonuclear charges embedded within the debris from the collapsing towers, as well as vaporizing the concrete and steel that made up the structure of those buildings..

Were still able to wipe out the top nineteen floors of WTC 3, cause the tremendous damage to WTC 4, and to leave the gaping holes in WTC's 5 & 6 when it came into contact with them!

/r/conspiracy Thread