So yesterday I got accepted into an Engineering program...

Sorry, I gotta call bullshit on this one.

For the record, here is that whole conversation. At the moment I'm writing this, there are 63 comments total: 13 are by you, the OP. That leaves 50 comments. All are congratulatory except for this one thread in which there are 3 total comments suggesting being female may have helped you get in due to UW quotas, complete with links.

Assuming we can call those 3 comments "sexism and misogynistic", that's 6% of the comments from other people, and two of them are from 1 individual. The other commenter clarified that they actually think you are smart and give you credit, but merely pointed out that the current policy at UW very likely affected your application, particularly given your own description of your circumstances of failing at liberal arts first and the very high competition to get into UW engineering that generally excludes anyone failing.

So we're talking about 1 commenter here. 1 person. And they weren't even nasty or mean, just very direct at pointing out the likelihood the policy helped you get in.

Is this the "onslaught of bullshit" you feel you are walking into, and expecting sympathy? You even set it up with your post title: "Despite having failed previously ...". You are the one who defined the "against all odds" scenario and now you are claiming an "onslaught of bullshit" because one person suggested the potential solution that "against all odds" scenario that makes sense. Is this what people are calling sexist and misogynist? Really? Onslaught of bullshit? Really? How about an "onslaught of supportive people", which is what describes that whole thread, save for 1 person.

I will also call you out on your bad faith comments, saying "it's that type of mentality why people become feminists". It's because of feminism that the UW has their quota system in the first place. The feminist position cannot simultaneously be that there should be a quota system and that women should not benefit from the quota system. They are mutually incompatible. One of those positions can't be correct. If the correct feminist position is that you should have been helped to get in by your sex (the quota system), then you are wrong in all of your statements in that thread and here. If the correct feminist position is that women should not get helped in by their sex, then it is the quota system that is sexist. Pick one.

Honestly, if this over-the-top exaggeration and misrepresentation is your attitude, you won't get far in any field you chose. Further, I think you do a great disservice to women who actually do suffer from real sexism and misogyny, and you are undermining efforts to address that real sexism and misogyny by making it look like a bunch of contradictory whining over nothing.

I will say, however, congratulations on getting in to UW SE. That is a big feat and you should be proud, regardless of whether their quota program helped give you the benefit of the doubt due to your past failures. The point of such programs is to give you the chance to show you can succeed at it despite such past failures. So please do them proud. But please, please, lose the victim attitude and massive chip on your shoulder. That will be the biggest thing weighing you down from succeeding.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread