Young people of reddit, what is your biggest fear and/or problem right now? Older redditors, what advice and/or words of wisdom can you offer to help them out?

i used to be friendly with a woman at work, her name is claudine. we're both supervisors, and her section's work flows into mine. we work with another supervisor named mary. i have known mary for several years. she just got her supervisor position and really needed some help navigating HR issues and workflow and things so i started mentoring her. apparently claudine is not happy about this. well, she's not happy about something, and it's effecting my workflow.

claudine's people are really careless. any mistake they make travels down the line and can effect the whole department if it's not caught. my people are next in the chain, so it's most often us who find any mistakes, but claudine's people are the ones who need to correct them. for about the last week she has held the corrections until the last possible minute and not noted the errors on the audit sheets, so not only is she making me run up against my deadline unnecessarily, but her people aren't being corrected or even notified of the errors. i asked her about it yesterday, telling her that she needs to take my deadline into consideration. she said that my deadline isn't her concern, she has her own to worry about. i told her that if i miss my deadline because of her staff i'm not just going to accept that, every missed one that's her 'fault' is going to be reported on. she said 'good luck proving it'.

it's driving me fucking crazy and if it doesn't stop i'm going to my manager. i know then that claudine is going to paint me as a tattletale to her staff and other supervisors because i've seen her do it before to someone else she didn't like. i don't really care, but it's uncomfortable to think that she'll be discussing with people my tattling and likely changing the details about why.

/r/AskReddit Thread