Has your epilepsy worsened?

  I have been on several different varieties of medications since 2011 when I had my first seizure. I was first put on Keppra and that was making me incredibly angry and I was still having Tonic-clonics once to twice a month. Then was put on Lamictal in conjunction and that made me suicidal. Immediately took me off both and put me on Depakote. I have been on that since. Along with that, I have been on Zonegran. Since I have started that my simple and complex partials that increased in frequency from once every 3-4 weeks to once every week. Typically while I am at work. It has worsened to the effect where I am having more auras and partials. As well as it makes me want to break faces, and I am a relatively passive person. 
  I haven't had any that resulted in a hospital visit for a good 2 months, which is extremely great news considering the increase in precursors to them. Overall, I feel less fortunate. I was just put on Oxtellar on Feb. 4th and I am going to start tapering off of the Zonegran in hopes that my partials will start to settle. Not very fun pissing your pants once a week in front of your co-workers and having your boss drive you home. 

Hope you guys are able to cope well.

Example of a recent experience: I was laying in bed playing my ukulele when I felt some vertigo dropping sensations. Immediately following that anxiety and visual distortions started interrupting my ability to move. I slowly put my instrument down, feeling extremely terrified that it was going to explode on me like a bomb. Once it was set down, my muscles clenched up and I was smacking my lips with my tongue. I closed my eyes seeing psychedelic colors and universe/spiderweb type shapes. Concentrated on my breathing and heart beat for another few minutes and it all went away. I couldn't speak, think, or really move around properly for a good hour following the episode. Fortunately I was in my bed and didn't have anything worse. So, it was optimal circumstances. But fucking A, this shit is really pissing me off.

/r/Epilepsy Thread