Why is your Ex-friend an Ex-friend?

TL;DR: He was manipulative, demanding, egotistical, and emotionally abusive. He showed no respect for me and didn't trust me. I was his friend since high school when he was just a weird geeky kid with no social skills, but he slowly degenerated into a person I no longer wanted to be around. It took me years to realize that i couldn't do anything without his approval first. I eventually just had to cut off all contact with him because of the twisted shit he would do. He would do shit that would bring me to the breaking point and then afterwards suddenly turn into the "nicest" person and buy me shit, treat me to things, and be extremely friendly. It was a complete 180 flip to what he had just been previously. The worst part though is that I fucking bought it. I believed him because it was my friend. Then he started getting worse. He became racist, misogynistic, and downright emotionally abusive. Nothing I did was ever right. I could come up with an idea and he would immediately dismiss it as being "retarded", but not 15 minutes later, parrot the idea back to me as if he had come up with it himself. He would completely disregard the fact that I had said literally the same thing to him earlier. I did way more for him than I ever should have. I stayed in that "friendship" for way too long. To this day I have issues because of him. It's starting to fade now, but I was so conditioned to seek his approval for everything I did that every time i made a decision for myself, I would think "but what would he say?". It wasn't until after i cut off contact with him that i realized how tight of a grip he had on my reality. I still have nightmares involving him. If the majority of people you know say someone is bad news for you, listen to them. I didn't and I suffered for it.

Would have appreciated it if you had the balls to say that to my face. Because you certainly did not need my approval to shack up with another guy and pretend I never existed while spending your time getting high, stealing my tools, and then talking shit behind my back and on the Internet. Pointing fingers and calling me a racist and misogynistic is the greatest pinnacle of douchebaggery I've ever heard when from someone who was practically a family member and knew very well that I had multiple lifelong gay friends.

Every time I go to do something to my car or plan out some project I wonder what you would think of it. It doesn't mean that you have a "grip on my reality" it means I care about your opinion because I respected you like my brother. I respected you enough to call something retarded when I thought it was retarded. I don't need to make up euphemisms to take care of your feelings. If you had brought up the issue seriously I would have tried to change the way I communicate, but you didn't. You just randomly stopped responding to texts after 6 years of friendship, shortly after I walked in on you and your boyfriend.

This entire thread: The stuff I read here, about people mad at others for being manipulative– it's a masterbatory festival for people who don't have the emotional maturity to assert themselves and make their own decisions. I stand up for what I believe in and am passionate about. You are always welcome to be my friend and I wish I could to fix things between us, but I will continue in life on my own path without you if this is the way you want to be.


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