Zeah: What reddit needs to do and what not

My complaint thus far (I haven't done much of the content, admittedly) is the farming area.

Ploughing is negligible because it's lowest tier, which make sense. edit rethinking this, I believe it was well done. It's horrible, but you're scum, so it should be. It achieved tedium, but wasn't overwhelming, so honestly, good job on that. However, the pattern of scaled tasks doesn't continue, as I insinuate below. end edit

The fertilizer (which I believe you're supposed to do until 100%) is pretty awful in my opinion. Buying compost with fastest method I could find came to be about to be a little over 1k an hour (plus cost of stamina pots, not using ge since compost goes for 500-700gp each currently), which means getting the 5k fertilizer will come out to be a little under 5 hours of content with no exp (wouldn't mind the grind if it was rewarding itself)(I'm not sure if getting 5k gets you to 100%, either). The combining compost takes (I believe) 3 seconds each. So 3 seconds for combing 5000 compost and salts means 15000 seconds (4+ hours) of idling. This doesn't account for digging up the salt (which is actually rather quick, or can be bought for relatively cheap), but can be assumed to be another 2 hours. Total takes 10 hours for 10k farming exp (from combining). So I would like it if: Compost was somehow more accessible (I know price will level out, but pre zeah was 242gp, meaning 1.2m to buy all compost from GE)(also, compost already plays a negligible role in the game, so why not?) Digging salt gave a semi-rewarding amount of exp (also, why not try to make it more of a mini-game, rather than click. Stand. Click. Stand. Click. Run to bank. Run to / find random spawn). and/ or if The amount of fertilizer requested was reduced. and/or if There was a 50-70% tier minigame to earn favor more quickly. Another consideration is how very botable this seems. Buying and selling compost on a few worlds for a few hundred gp each, or digging salt, seem like decent things to bot, especially because there are no level requirements.

All in all this was the part of Zeah I was most excited about since I don't enjoy farming currently, so I hopeful. I don't want anything overpowered, just accessible. I would appreciate feedback on this, perhaps I'm missing something, but I believe this could be changed to be more entertaining, rewarding, and accessible.

/r/2007scape Thread