Men who are “hard to get”, what kind of woman do you actually want to settle down with?

The dude above you isn’t actually understanding what you’re saying. It’s not really worth wasting your breath trying to explain it. He has already given you a label and even if you write him the best worded reply, it isn’t going to change his mind because he already decided that he knows the type of person you are. Anything else that you say will just make him dig his heels in further. Just keep doing what you’re doing and work hard, and soon you’ll be just as successful. Just be aware that often times, your success means nothing to the men that get to these places. Those men tend to want a steady stream of admiration from multiple sources, you’ll be seen as someone who is too demanding and needs to be knocked down a notch. This happened to me after I dated a doctor. I’m a well prepared, and well educated woman who made more money than he did at the time we dated, and he couldn’t respect my boundaries because he was too busy getting attention from multiple sources. Compromising with a man like that is next to impossible unless he’s in touch with his feelings, needs, and wants but also has the capacity and willingness to communicate those things to you. A man like this is simply not going to do anything that’s inconvenient for him, that includes communication. The dude above you is at least right that it does kind of come down to luck because it’s extremely rare that any man of that “caliber” is also interested in reducing their options. They’ll usually choose having options.

/r/AskMen Thread