393 words I'm disturbed by the fact that America as a collective forgot that the Las Vegas massacre happened. 352 words I just had a breakdown in the middle of the road because my bus drove past me 255 words I (F23) find it necessary that male partners let me play with their ass/peg them or I don’t think a relationship will work out, and I hate it about myself. 299 words I have developed a intense, profound, visceral h-word for all medical doctors 154 words Boyfriend won't apologize and I feel bad for wanting an apology 149 words Job interview coming up and I don't think I'm pretty enough to work there 143 words The Trans Shitposting Thread 232 words The Trans Shitposting Thread 152 words I just broke up with my boyfriend because of his interest in highly disturbing Internet material. I feel disgusted. 195 words Men should not be allowed to be gynecologists to a minor 241 words The fact that women's legs are naturally hairy is such a mindfuck to me 323 words I made a fake call to 911 and a woman lost her children and went to prison 187 words I (16M) Used to have sex with my male friends when I was 12. 131 words I am tired of being reduced to a "person" and not a woman 219 words I Messed Up Marrying My Wife 126 words Some teachers couldn't stop looking at teenagers chests if their life depended on it 120 words Still traumatized by a love spell used on me. 122 words I can’t stand my husband. 763 words I wish more guys on here understood why so many girls don't report sexual assault 603 words My grandmother passed, but cut me out of the will a month before she died