I made a fake call to 911 and a woman lost her children and went to prison

you realize that historically there would have been absolutely no issue right? It's a very very brand new idea that under 18 is illegal and many countries do not share the same idea and have lower ages of consent. Just something to think about, in the grand scheme of human history a lot of these laws are brand new and society has brainwashed yall to think its absolutely absurd.

Is it weird? YES.

Should it be illegal? Probably if I trust sociology and psychology experts.

Should it be looked down up equally to REAL child abuse, i.e. kids in elementary school? I don't think so.

A 16 year old's maturity really depends on their environment. 16 year olds were going to war less than 100 years ago. I'm sure drinking and smoking were acceptable not too long ago either. The age of consent is to protect what they think is the maximum number of people, its more of a blanket age but suddenly it feels like society is making teens under 18 look like some kind of helpless, clueless, puppy that doesn't know anything in life.

If a 17 year old wants to fuck a 24 year old, I think there's a good chance she maybe be mature enough to handle a regular relationship. There is 100% people out there over the age of 18 who are less mature and wouldn't be able to live on their own, but we give them rights to fuck whoever they want and society just don't care simply because they are over 18.

I'm a father now and I do see the natural inclination to not ever be attracted to younger people. I see teenagers at the local county fair and I get grossed out and uncomfortable. But I think society somehow grouped 16-17 year old GIRLS into the same boat as say a 9 year old and by treating them as such, really stunts any real respect and growth in maturity that they deserve to have.

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