116 words OP unfortunately found a contractual grey area, where he lost his job after his final mortgage approval deadline but before closing. Seller refuses to budge. At stake? $20k in earnest money. 133 words LAOP’s friend’s gym gave out her personal information to her stalker. 119 words Actual title: [Virginia] Trying to find legal grounds to have my 13-year-old Neopets (located in Microsoft Azure region US East or US East 2) impounded to the Neopia pound due to neglect 286 words Nancy thinks depression is a legal reason to fire someone. Nancy is wrong. Also fuck Nancy. 120 words LAOP has a horrible boss who always cancelled meetings when OP wanted to discuss issues one-on-one, get angry when LAOP could not reproduce the exact lab results, and more 118 words LAOP's ex wife won the lottery. He doesn't understand why she won't share. 232 words [Actual Title] Pregnant wife wants minimum 1 year separation. Says I’ll be allowed to see the child, but isn’t very clear on how much. 202 words LAOP is worried about the legal implications of being a Juggalo. "You should worry about your horrible taste in music." 140 words Security cameras caught LAOP's 16 yr old cleaning lady naked. When she realized she was on camera, she did the only reasonable thing and stole LAOP's computer. 206 words Security cameras caught LAOP's 16 yr old cleaning lady naked. When she realized she was on camera, she did the only reasonable thing and stole LAOP's computer. 171 words Update on the poisoning cousin - hospital bills paid 209 words LAOP's coworker called cops, thinking that LAOP'S husband beats her. Can LAOP sue for filing a false report? 158 words LAOP signed a lease with his girlfriend, then it all went pear-shaped. How to get her to leave? 133 words Scam, or are the Bobbies about to kick the door in on a drugs-in-the-mail issue and frighten Grandma? LAUKOP is worried. 190 words LAOP and his wife paid more than $10,000 to adopt a child. Turns out it was a scam. 224 words LAOP (who posted 9 days ago about being sexually assaulted) arrested and charged with filing false claims. Utters the heartbreaking sentence, "Now I know why people don't report rape." 163 words LAOP's neighbor is being shunned and labelled mentally ill by her church. Why? For divorcing her abusive, controlling husband. The ex-husband is still welcomed with open arms, though. 149 words Can I call the police for noise disturbance after 10 p.m.? Does it matter that the neighbor in question is a newborn? 271 words Original title: "My roommate replaced me at work and no one noticed. Is this legal?" 228 words LAOP is a teen who is being harassed by another teen at school, who has allegedly sexually assaulted three other teens. She warned him to leave her alone, but nevertheless he persisted. She, a black belt in Taekwondo, responded to his assaults by jabbing him in the nose. Guess who’s being punished?