Sister found out the hard way that having kids doesn't make you more family oriented

Except motherhood does not bring unconditional love from kids, there are actual fucking conditions for your kids loving you. In reality childhood is the trial, and once those kids become teenagers and adults, they eventually pass sentence on whether they lose their parents. Any idiot parent who thinks their kids unconditionally loves them, is just that, an idiot. For one, real love comes with conditions and acts. The way a small child loves a parent is no different than the love from a dog. It is not a complex sort of romantic love, or a deeper love between friends or family of choice. It is a stupid love based on dependency. It is one that kids grow out of as they become less dependent. Then the real trial begins. A baby cannot love at all though. The entire unconditional love thing is BS, it does not recognize kids grow up and become teenagers and adults, and for both love is highly conditional.

Make no mistake, I absolutely and purely hate my parents, and their bigoted asses deserve it. I went no contact with them, and I hope they die a horrible and agonizing death.

Also I should note, relatives, no matter their relationship, is neither family, an obligation, or a responsibility as a childfree adult. Family is who you choose to be family, and they do not need to be related by blood. Frankly, if blood relations become entitled breeders, you can cut them out of your life like any other acquaintance or relationship. Relatives do not get special privileges.

/r/childfree Thread