175 words Listen to the COVID-19 Experts 147 words *laughs in european* 262 words When the “S” burns out.. 222 words Burn Notice 114 words Gotta get them all confused from an early age 126 words [OC] Every night, my middle school son draws a new comic on his bedroom door white board. They're pretty funny, so I started taking pics and posting them to an Instagram account . Here's today's post. 123 words Living in an apartment 118 words God damn hippies 288 words There's no such thing as wrong place and time 254 words I asked the guy taking my order for, “as much fire sauce as you can give me without losing your job.” Turns out that’s 243 packets. I love you Taco Bell, and promise not to ask for anymore sauce for a while. 109 words Ricky Gervais to celebrities at the Golden Globes: "You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world." 181 words "who are you?....ohhhh! you're back!!! *cuddleattack*" 203 words They also use Windows XP 140 words St. Louis ain't on that bullshit. 173 words Introducing, my middle child (please note the 3 other children playing normally in the distance). She found a dead squirrel and was super excited. 122 words They say money can’t buy happiness. I always tell them, “You just don’t know where to shop.” 234 words True words from Bill. 106 words [OC] And the customer of the year award goes to... 140 words In case you know anyone who still has a problem with the concept. 165 words Ohhhh I love Australians