1,000s of Muslims march against terrorism in Barcelona after van attack

I don't hate people based on their background or religion but I've become really hateful towards muslims lately, I grew up in a majority-muslim school in London, I have had times where I've been asked to either play with my muslim friends or to play with my white friends and I've chosen my muslim friends, but after 9/11 it seems like everything changed. I know people from my school who are in prison for terror charges, people who grew up in the UK who still grew up to hate us so much that he left the country and went to Syria where he'd never been to fight against us and learn how to bomb us. It's hard not to become full of hate when you see that even the police are saying that there is unprecedented, organized grooming gangs made up of muslim men mostly from Pakistan who go around picking up and sexually assaulting young European white girls after plying them with alcohol and drugs, and when attacks happen I rarely see sympathy from muslims, I mostly see messages like they're holding in that article that say "ISLAM=PEACE", they don't care about the victims as much as they care about the image of their religion. How many Europeans have been killed by muslims living in Europe over the last 5-10-15 years? How many European muslims have been killed by European extremists? Muslims are killing European civilians on an unprecedented level. If it wasn't for the lessons of the Holocaust and what hatred can make people do we would have already seen retaliatory attacks but instead muslims pray peacefully all across Europe and live good lives, yet behind closed doors they hate us so much, it's hard not to hate them when you know they hate you. I've been involved in a lot of violence in my life, but if I saw a muslim hate preacher in London I'm going to jail before I let them preach that shit in front of me. I've lost myself. :(

/r/worldnews Thread Link - rt.com