16-year-old Amandla Stenberg Schools Everyone On Cultural Appropriation.

Your comparison is wrong. You take the shittiest, smallest representation of Americans which is it's mainstream entertainment industry and it's appropriation and interest in black culture compared to it's lack of interest in black issues to make a point that white people are stealing from blacks. It's the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, it sells. It's MEANT TO BE CONTROVERSIAL. They exploit many cultures. They're over the top but it's no representation of what REAL LIFE AND REALITY IS. It makes them money. That's why they do it. I'm sure most Americans don't think like that about black culture. Why do you need to make this a white vs black thing from what 0.00001% of the population of white people are doing? Entertainment takes from many cultures. Not just African Americans. How often does anyone from the industry make comments about social injustice or even with white social injustice? NOT VERY OFTEN as their agendas have nothing to do with that. With what's going on in Ferguson, why isn't 50 cent, kanye, denzel washington, beyonce, Dr. Dre saying anything about it even though it's their people? This isn't a black or white thing, as much as it's a RICH vs. POOR ONE. The music industry has no reason to put it's hands in political issues and neither do artists. Yet you want to make this a "black thing" especially when Macklemore was one of those artists were right there marching in ferguson. It's wrong for you to make an entire race look a certain way for the actions of the few. For you to even appropriate things like braids and hip hop is wrong and selfish and I'm SURE it perpetuates racism. I'm sure there are girls who braid their hair NOT TO LOOK BLACK but because they like braids or because this guy likes to rap in his free time NOT TO BE BLACK but because he likes music and poetry. Is there something wrong with me wearing cornrows if I want to? Should I not be able to braid my hair? Can I not eat watermelons? Can I not make hip hop music if I want to? If black people were making some money from this.. would that make it okay? Cultural appropriation happens to all races especially when it comes to hollywood and mainstream entertainment. Hip hop originated from the bronx but it definitely is not black, hip hop is a life style, a way for someone to express themselves. How is it in any more relevant to color? Just like basketball isn't white, even though it was originated in Canada by white people, you don't call it cultural appropriation when black people play in the NBA. There's nothing wrong with white rappers (like macklemore) or black basketball players, that's not appropriation, that's someone doing something that they love. If corn rows are black appropriation, is a black person with straightened hair appropriating a culture that is not their own as they don't naturally have straight hair? I don't see why there's any reason to make this a "black vs white" thing. You compare two of the most polar things to try and draw a conclusion about how white people feel towards black people and of course you're going to make it look a certain way. How in ANY way was this meant to help people and make them break down race issues? You don't make this better by saying that this is black or that is black just like you don't say you can't do this because this is white or that is a white thing. Thank you for helping to divide our people and exacerbating the current state of relations between the one and only race, humans.

/r/blackladies Thread Link - huffingtonpost.com