I [18F] cheated on my boyfriend [19M] of 2 years.

You ARE a bad person, and the only thing you should worry about fixing is yourself. You shouldn’t depend on someone else to feel good, or confident. If you’re crying because of your own face every time you look in the mirror, your current boyfriend isn’t going to fix that, and neither will any future boyfriends you decide to have.

Also, your boyfriend having a “type” isn’t a crime, and since he chooses to be with you even if you aren’t his “type,” he certainly doesn’t deserve to be cheated on or lied to. It’s your problem to fix that you have 0 friends.. not his. Maybe you should have thought about your “best friend” while you were betraying him.

I hope you tell him, and I hope he ends up with someone who has enough self confidence and self respect to not cheat on him whenever they’re feeling bad about themselves. I hope you get the help you need because finding a new boyfriend is not going to fix you.

/r/relationships Thread