2 transgender women were killed in New Orleans in 48 hours

My family is fairly low income and all grew up together in one home, 5 brothers and sisters, 3 nieces, mom and one of the girlfriends. My 2nd niece just decided she's gay and also decided she wants to transition to a boy. She's 14. That's way too young to decide something like this but I can't tell her not to as I don't understand what she's going through. I suspect all this transgender talk in the media has made her think it's a good choice to do something so insane (in my view). This story scares me so much as I obviously love her so much and don't want to see her life destroyed by other people and I don't think transitioning or being "fluid" is AT ALL a good choice in life, considering the negative ramifications socially and mentally. She's spoken of suicide too. Her dad is rarely in her life and I think that is a contributing factor. I don't share the view that this is a normal thing, or at all a healthy thing. I view it as a mental disorder and always will but also want to support her. I don't know what to do or say to her or how to react to this. I'm not an asshole who will shun people for who they want to be but I don't think this is being thought through. This story makes me so much more fucking sad for her future. I don't know what I expect from this comment but hopefully someone can say something to help me make sense of this.

Just one thing; you won't change my view on transgendered people so please don't try. I've done a lot of reading on his topic and don't agree with the liberal viewpoint on this issue, but I do respect that we live in a free society and we all can make whatever choices we want, whether right or wrong. (Canadian)

/r/news Thread Link - cnn.com