I [20F] have asked my BF [19M] to temporarily move in with me

I appreciate the naïvety of my youth. I'm not looking for validation; I was hoping to get some advice on how I could help him, and if people thought moving in was not going to do that, listen to their perspective on it. The internet is the only place I can turn to, sadly, because no one knows about this situation. I completely appreciate that our relationship will change, I already knew that; however as the OP says we are officially moving in together this year, so he is aware of that too.

"By your own admission, you're already seeing things in this person you had no clue were there a short time ago."

This is untrue? If you're referring to me saying I didn't know he had mental health issues, that was years ago. I should have specified. If that's not what you're referring to then I have no idea what you mean, but I'm afraid you are incorrect.

I understand, however as I've said in the thread the main reason I offered this is because he is happy when he is with me. He is able to do those everyday things he can't normally do, and he's in a loving environment where he feels safe, and can actually sleep. I have tried every other approach to this with us living separately and nothing has truly worked thus far. Again, we are going to be living together this year no matter what - so I thought it logical to try and amend these issues, as best we can, before I am legally bound to live with him?

Either way, I appreciate your input and alternate perspective to my own. I don't want anyone to think I am doing his lightly, or with the impression that everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows.

/r/relationships Thread Parent