Me [29 F] with my husband [30 M], together 9.5 years & married 5, I overheard him talking about our sex life in detail with a friend [30? M]

I agree that some of these comments are crazy. If my husband talked about our sex life I honestly would not mind. But I was hurt for OP when she said 2 things - 1, that he was judging her on her sexual fantasies. Assuming she had an odd fetish, something she was embarrassed about people knowing and probably had a hard time fessing up to her husband about - she now knows he thinks she's weird (we only know he was "judging" we don't know what he said)... he also made comments about how bad she was at certain things and almost seemed hopeful she'd get nerve damage after giving birth so he'd be able to get away with certain things. That part kinda made me shudder a little bit - because I gave birth and I know you don't walk out of the hospital with an empty void in between your legs, actually quite the contrary and sex can be quite a hard thing to get back into after. It was just an insensitive thing to say.

And quite honestly I'd love to know that my husband wants to fuck me into a wheelchair, cus it's hot and sexy and makes me feel great. But judging my some of the things OP's husband said, she felt the opposite and I can see why.

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