I (20F) called my ex (21M) a rapist when I found out he cheated on me. Am I a horrible person?

but there was one time where it was unbearable. I told my boyfriend at the time that I was in pain and he kept on going and when I told him to stop,

That's the definition of rape.

he made me feel really guilty. He kept on trying until I finally gave in and let him do whatever he wanted.

Google sexual coercion.

He did come to his senses eventually and started crying telling me that he’s sorry and that he raped me.

So he admitted to being a rapist after committing the act of rape.

I ended up comforting him and telling him that I would forget about it.

So you never said if he was or wasn't a rapist. You just said you'd get over it. You also ignored your own feeling to take care of his. Did he ever comfort you? Did he pause having sex with you after that to make sure you were okay? Did he ever check in with you a few days or weeks after to make sure you were over it?

When I founded out he cheated on me and lied the entire relationship, I used this against him in an argument, which is very low of me to do but I was hurt and angry.

Did you use it against him? Or did the cheating trigger you? Awaking a pain you ignored before? Making you realize he's a sexual deviant and it was time to call him out on his bullshit?

/r/relationship_advice Thread