[20F] The fat one.

I've been in and out of the subreddit. It's good and I've been using some of the advice there in conjunction with the stuff from the weightloss clinic my doctor referred me too.

I'm going to the gym regularly and despite everyone's favourite advice to eat less I'm actually trying to eat more since I got out of the habit of eating properly in middle school when I started being easier to skip breakfast and lunch so I could fit more extra curriculares in my schedule gradually getting worse through highschool and culminating in a week of nothing but coffee in college before my diet actually made me sick enough to need intervention. It's really an unhealthy thing to do of course, now I have to pay for it because I'm gaining more weight then I'm losing most of the time right now because my body doesn't fully understand that I'm feeding it on a regular basis again. When I remember to feed it that is. It's surprising easy to get in the habit of just not eating. I tend to find I'm not hungry very often so I don't eat if I'm not. Some days it's two days in before I remember that eating is a thing humans do to live.

My biggest issue is figuring out life balance right now. It's fine to say that I can eat better, go to the gym, go to doctors appointments and be set. But I don't know what I'm going to do once the semester starts. One of the non-diagnosis I have is narcolepsy (it's like narcolepsy in every way, and reacts the same as narcolepsy in treatment. So I am treating you for narcolepsy but you don't have a diagnosis, but it's working so shrug. Thanks doc. That's clear as mud.) Which of course, is not an excuse, but certainly makes my life a little more challenging on the life balance front because there are some days where I can go about making breakfast and I'm out before I can eat it. I know if that happens more than once in a morning my day is more or less a write off because I'm not going to be able to do much of anything. It's a lot of sleeping right now which I'm really resenting but... it's about as voluntary as a reflex test when the hammer hits your knee. There are a bunch of other dumb health problems that do make it harder for me to lose weight (none of which are bad enough for treatment, although the blood work says they are high enough to cause noticeable effects on my life. Bless.) The standard pcos, hypothyroid, depression and anxiety although more directly it's the million meds they've had me switching around, blah blah blah. Heard all of those things a million times over, either from people complaining about how hard they have it or from doctors telling me that I'm going to have a hard time so get ready for it.

Long story short, I'm on that subreddit, and working on losing weight in a healthy way in conjunction with doctors and a weight loss clinic, and know the first step is doing it. I've been warned I have a long road ahead of me by a few doctors now, but I've got the first 10 down (was 15 but freaking holidays man)

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