I(20m) just found out that my gf(22f) smokes crack

Crack is not like opiates number one so she can definitely detox and it’s not going to be super comfortable but it’s nothing compared to heroin (in terms of physical withdrawal). That said, mental addictions can almost be harder to break.

I agree the gf will need treatment if she wants to get clean but I DO NOT AGREE that op has any responsibility or need to stay and “help” her get clean. He couldn’t do that even if he wanted to- only the addict can make the choice to get and stay clean. I actually suggest the opposite to op: RUN! Im in recovery coming up on 7 years from IV heroin addiction- that featured heavy use of crack and meth. I can tell you right now- the only person who can save the gf is the gf. She needs to make the choice to seek treatment and get whatever help necessary to stay sober. She doesn’t need custody of her child and op needs to leave before he gets sucked in because that’s what we addicts do best: destroy those closest to us! He can obviously support from afar and suggest various local resources but he doesn’t need to stay in the toxic and dangerous environment just because they are dating and have a child together.

I would recommend op takes the kid and they leave and if she chooses to get the help needed then they can reconvene at a later date AFTER she has some sober time under her belt.

It won’t be easy and she will need treatment- obviously it’s an addiction, but there’s no real medical assisting treatment for crack addiction besides behavioral therapy and substance abuse programs. It’s unfortunate but it’s not like there is a suboxone or methadone for crack addicts- it’s definitely going to take major behavioral changes on her part to get clean but it’s definitely doable if she wants it bad enough.

It’s not easy to sit in those rooms fresh off the streets, listening to those in long term recovery when all you want is to be either 6 months into being clean or back on streets using- but it’s necessary. You have to start somewhere and this girl needs a wake up call. Maybe her partner and child leaving and allowing her to make her own choices will be the rock bottom she needs- maybe not. Either way op shouldn’t risk himself or his child to try to help an addict that has lied to him for years… it’s not going to do anything good for OP. Op should check out NA-Anon and learn how to support from afar….

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