I (21F) am reaching my breaking point over lack of romance in 2 and 1/2 year relationship with my boyfriend (24M)

I'm currently going through this right now too, in fact our story is so similar I feel like I wrote it lol Me and my partner have been going out for 6 years, he's currently going through some stuff at the minute (anxiety, loss of a job etc) but we haven't been intimate with each other in over 2 months now, I'm 22 and he's 25 so we're still young and should be having sex alot more, he's my best friend, my only friend and our families are so close we're all like one big family.

I've tried talking to him about it, and it's the same thing over and over again, he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, that he loves me more than anything in the world and he would be lost without me, but I don't feel it at all, he says his sex drive just isn't there at the minute due to his anti depressants, I would compliment him loads, send him nudes, get all dolled up and still nothing, we don't kiss really, we would hold hands walking to the shop but that's about it, im sick of feeling like an ugly mess and being so disappointed all the time, I'm trying constantly and getting nothing in return and I'm really starting to get to the point where crying everyday thinking I'm worthless just isn't worth it for me anymore, I don't know what to do!

I have (and I'm sure you have too) went through a thousand scenarios in my head about what the problem could be and it always revolves back to the fact that I'm just not good enough, I didn't think it was possible to miss someone who's right infront of you, I don't feel like I have a boyfriend anymore, we're just roommates who sleep in the same bed.

It really sucks and I'm sorry you're young through it too, if you ever want to talk please send me a message and I'll try and help in anyway I can ❤️

/r/relationship_advice Thread