[22f] I hate my body and constantly feel ashamed.

How is this "tough love" bullshit getting upvoted? What a load of judgmental nonsense. Read the sidebar rules - "tough love" is CLEARLY prohibited. There is absolutely no good reason to be so unnecessarily harsh.

People were honest in a subreddit where you post pictures and want to get brutally honest responses, what a surprise.

People who are "brutally honest" are usually more concerned about the 'brutal' aspect than the honesty, kind of like you right now.

and you're right, you won't be because you don't try to be. You can't sit around and wait for s fairy godmother to save a wand and make you pretty like Cinderlla. You have to put some effort into it. Right now it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You and everyone who upvoted this crap ought to be ashamed. What an embarrassment to his sub that this is the kind of responses that's being encouraged. EVERYONE read the fucking sidebar.

  1. Do NOT post or respond with: "Tough love" of any description..

And here's a quote from the talking guide in the SW sidebar:

Everything you say to suicidal people needs to be grounded in the belief that they are doing everything they can to help themselves.

So here's a grand idea: Do NOT abuse OP and tell her she's not "putting in enough effort". Do NOT tell her that her problems are a "self-fulfilling prophecy".

You tell Op that she needs confidence, and then you deliberately attack her self-esteem and tell her that her problems are her own fault - because that's going to help her gain confidence, right?

This sub is supposed to be a judgment-free place where people can talk and vent without having to worry about being shamed and insulted. How fucking dare you forsake that trust and poison this sub with your hurtful criticisms. If you're so eager to be a dick, then go be one somewhere else that doesn't contain a bunch of SUICIDAL PEOPLE. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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