[23 F] wondering how long to wait for [22 M] "to think"

You can't push these things, it all depends on the guy. He is re-evaluating the relationship and whether he wants to be in it.

The problem with this is that psychologically, you are now going to bend over backwards to "have him" and that isn't good. It creates "need" in you, you lower your boundaries and if you go back to him, it will be on a weaker level where you will do "everything to please him" and that isn't good for you or him.

Instead of sitting on the side feeling desperate, you should be thinking rationally and objectively as possible, if this relationship is really something you want/need and think will work.

Sometimes we focus on keeping something, we don't focus on whether we SHOULD keep it...

If it doesn't work, yes you fill somebody else.

However, if you really feel you are really an unappreciative, needing asshole, then maybe you need to give this relationship up, figure out your problems and work on making yourself better and THEN jumping into the dating pool again. You should only be dating if you are whole, unfortunately, dating reveals problems about ourselves sometimes, but sometimes you need to be out of a relationship to have the time to focus on yourself to fix them.

/r/relationships Thread