I [24F] just found out the “cousin” [23F] my good friend [28M] asked me to put up for a few weeks is actually a HOOKER and HE is her former PIMP.

Okay I just want to clear something up. Running an escort service and being a pimp are not one and the same. Escort services are often times not illegal. It seems to me that you are picturing your friend in a big purple jacket with a top hat and a gold walking cane standing on some shady corner with a group of women and then forcing them to get in strangers cars. These types of people often prey on weak and desperate women bringing them in from foreign countries to essentially become sex slaves. IMO opinion people like this are the scum of the earth. On the other hand we have escort services. This works differently. Being an escort is a job in which you are simply paid to spend time with people. This is very appealing to girls who are the "party girl" type as it offers them a way to constantly be partying and having fun while making really good money. They are not required to sleep with customers however they often do because they know it will result in higher tips and repeat buisness. These girls similarly to actors or models need some sort of representation so that they may find buisness. This is what someone who owns an escort service does. He sets up dates, he screens dates to make sure the girls are safe, he handles the finances. After reading your post I'm getting the impression that your friend is the ladder. While people are quick to compare pimps and hoes to escort services they are really not the same thing. Also the reason the girls were being so nice to you could very easily be that they know you are their bosses friend. I for one know that whenever I meet my bosses friends I suck up to them the entire time and it's not because I think of them as Madam it's because it's smart buisness. Honestly I think the only way youre going to be able to get to the bottom of this is to talk to your friend but I think you should go in without having your mind made up about what kind of person he must be if he has an escort service.

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