I [27 M] feel like I'm in at a crossroads with people and expectations, and don't know if I am expecting too much.

Yeah, I really don't want to do that...

The weird thing is, things like cuisines and literature were things that we would have common on, and sports. But as I'm discussing the nature of a symbolism of a book or a play that resulted in a score, it felt like there was really no interest from them, as if I'm either not terribly engaging in the way I present it or they "like" it but not entirely in depth.

Or they don't really care.

Another friend who is a developer who I talk with, I do speak to him about some coding stuffs. I'm not a dev but I do have some passing interests, but talking to him kinda kills the mood because his only interest is in that one coding language he does for work, and there's basically nothing else. When I mention the use of another language, he has a rather dismissive view of it, and then grips about some other language he has to use at work and insufferably stupid is. It's... just deflating at times. This end up having me go back to my other circle where people aren't so... unforgiving to new things.

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