28 single (not looking) Pan Poly F, living with bff for 12yrs 31 single (in love with me) M... help!

Yeah... Painfully blunt about my lack of romantic or sexual interest... He just offers ideas of how to get around it.

We did have a talk today. I finally put my fear of hurting him aside and got ruthlessly honest. I reminded him I'm single and not responsible for his feelings, and how it cheapens our friendship when he ignores my feelings and puts emphasis on his own unfounded feelings and desires, guilting me with his love for me. We talked for nearly 5 hours... I can't really reiterate it all, but he's still in denial... I feel better though. I dont feel the need to take responsibility for how living my life affects him now that I've made it even more cut and dry and stated it.

Strengthening my bonds with my friends and family is great advice. It's hard when I can't drive due to my illness but I'll figure something out...

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