I [29/m] travelled across country to be with my verbally abusive girlfriend [28]. She broke up with me 2 months ago and I finally moved out last night.

I know you feel like shit right now. Maybe it will help you to hear that as bad as you feel and as taken advantage of as you were, the only way this is really a loss for you is if you don't let yourself learn from the experience. The lesson here is invaluable. You're hurting and that sucks, but the really useful life lessons usually come with some pain attached.

For what it's worth, at the very least you can say you took a chance. You were bold enough to roll the dice- some people live their whole lives too afraid or timid to take a risk. Sure, you got your ass handed to you- can't win them all. So, you know, have a good wallow and then move forward. When you're ready, really think about what led you here. Then, don't do those things anymore. Think about what you're willing to accept vs what you really want and the distance between them. Think about where you draw The Line. You should know this stuff because if you're not sure then all manner of perpetrated fuckery is allowable, and it shouldn't be that way for anyone.

And remember what u/chems89 said: "you don't buy good behavior with nicety". That shit is TRUE.

/r/relationships Thread