3 times in 3 years+.....

I agree that unless OP is a slob who does nothing while his wife mops up after him, this level of sexlessness won't be cured by him 'choreplaying'. However, what Xavier wrote is honestly how many marriages function- with a high responsibility partner and a low responsibility partner. If a domestic chore deficit in behalf of one partner is maintained for long enough, it will inevitably bleed into other parts of the relationship.

My partner and I fell into this dynamic for awhile. I went through a bout of un(der)employment a few years back for about 5 months. In that time I did 90+% of the chores- all I asked was for him to do the occasional batch of dishes and to take out the garbage and recycling. This was a fair arrangement at the time, since he was taking over the lion's share of the bills at the time, and I wanted to show my appreciation. This continued well after I started working again- he got used to me picking up after him without complaint. It led to me emotionally withdrawing, nagging, fights... We're still working on it. My desire for sex with him didn't fade, but... I stopped being nearly as emotionally invested in his happiness. I stopped giving a fuck. For someone who, at least in part, engages in frequent sexual activity because they enjoying pleasing their partner or making them happy, I wouldn't be surprised if it manifested as a lack of sex if their partner stopped putting in a reasonable effort. Still, of course, efforts should be made to communicate the problem before it takes such a drastic turn, but a lot of people don't listen until you are flipping out and about to walk out the door.

So yeah, choreplay is sometimes bullshit, but I encourage HL's here to search themselves and really be honest about whether or not they are doing their part- in child-rearing, chores, speaking their partner's love language, being an 'attractive' person in general... Lots of folks just want to point fingers instead of looking within first.

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