3 weeks ago I stopped dated this girl, recently found out she read my messages when I was sleeping. And also spread rumors about the things she read. Should I confront her next time I see her?

This is how these things are settled.

Right now the only option for you is distance and time. Block her on your myspace messenger app and the phone too if you kids still mess with that thing. Firstly, there is zero reason to confront or anything at this point and you'd accomplish less than nothing by attempting and 2) Most importantly she has initiated the battle on her terms and if your ride out to meet her on the field she has rigged you will surely perish.

Dude, you gonna use your words on her and show her the error of her ways? She sent you a picture of a cock, she doesn't respect you and there are no combinations of sounds that could escape from your mouth that could even begin to change that. When you speak, dude when you speak, okay imagine an 90 year old Indian guy who started learning English at 89 from a alcoholic Tasmanian (scary real fucking alcoholic too, not a good scene, sad) and he exists in his own personal atmosphere composed of 25% helium and can only communicate by whispering into a vintage '96 purple yakbak and passing it over for you to hold up and listen but also the volume is really fucked up and it seems to arbitrarily choose it's level so you have to always hold it really close to your temple so you don't miss the message when it comes out at low volume and of course sometimes it blasts out at a surprisingly crisp full 100% volume message that rings your ears for 2 days and once you even tried to ask him about the volume thing and when he passed the yakbak over to give you his answer he seemed to have ran his finger over something in a movement you've never noticed before so you thought he may have fixed the problem and so you held the yakbak a healthy 6"-10" away from your face only to miss the message that came out at what must be the random %5 volume setting and really at this stage in the game it's kinda late to still be missing messages and the embarrassment would be too much especially after messing up the froyo order so royally earlier in the week so ya know just fuck it we'll figure out the volume later. She'd respect his mouth-sounds much much more than she could ever even being to respect your own, and that would be absolutely zero by the way, that's how much. It wouldn't be worth the tread wear on the souls of your shoes to walk across the room and speak to her.

So you've been wronged and for now you just chill and then it seems a lot longer than you think it'll be but it'll fly by you have to wait 4 years and always going without ever thinking about this person not even once, at all or in any way, and not what you'd say or what you'd do or anything and then after the 4 years you decide.

It's been 4 years, a good bit enough to get some perspective on things and maybe even grow as a person a bit and ideally now be completely free of any lingering emotions that can get in the way of making a good decision. Free of that gobbledegook and just using the calculative hemisphere of the brain now, you need to decide if the offense was truly an affront to the nature of decency or was it just a regular run-of-the-mill Dick Move. Was it so wrong that 4 years later you still want it so the next time they have a dream where they lose their teeth they wake up and the teeth are magically gone in real life too forever oh man that would suuuuuuck. Or instead has time exposed the nature of the transgression as something else, a petty weakness in the offender's character, something like old cobwebs in the far corner that catches the fire soot and pull sat the corner of your eye for a moment: a brief distraction, an ugly annoyance. It' is customary to take a day to meditate but I've never heard of anyone really needing more than just a few minutes to decide, supposedly you just know. Really though it is very important that the offense was clearly and servery wrong in itself, nothing short of abhorrent. And not only wrong because it happened to you, it would have to be just as in-fucking-decent done to anyone else.

I wish I could say that revenge is always unnecessary and I still don't know if I can't say that but, well, I've seen the capacity for evil some people have and if they visit that shit upon someone else then well they just need to stop is what I want to say. Really enough of these quests have ended without disaster that I guess that means revenge may in special circumstances be free of depravity and perversion, or perhaps the gods simply want it that way?

Regardless, gods willing you become an instrument of the balance. And this again is why you need to be sure the offense was truly one of pure selfishness and/or malice. If you set out on such a journey for any reason besides to bring a balance you will fail catastrophically at the worst time and it is said all your grandchildren will be infertile (though that's argued by some to be unproven). You can escape the danger of divine punishment if your quest in honorable but you can't and should not try to escape the "Curse". You should however do the following to keep the Curse out of your community as those not undertaking a quest are very susceptible to the corruption the follows the Curse..

It's been 4 years. Free from emotion and as logical as dandelions and jelly toast you've recognized that such an offense really can not stand and you are preparing to being your quest. You need to accomplish it within 1 year of when you set out, and you can't not set out a day before 4 years has passed from the time of the offense and your task needs to be accomplished before 5 years has passed from the offense. It's widely recommended if not absolutely necessary for you leave any family or friends for the entire duration of your quest, cut all professional ties and partnerships (significantly and honesty but not necessarily permanently as long as a reunion would be a considered second partnership instead of a continence: different terms on the 2nd contract works well), leave any fraternities or club's that require membership even gyms and car washes, abandon all honors and titles, and get rid of all your possessions, property, real estate, vehicles, time shares, storage spaces and gym lockers and it all truly needs to be gone and in no way able to come back to you without you paying a full rate for it. No fancy tricks, they don't tend to work. Now if you're leaving behind a family in a home just walking out and "giving everything" to your wife doesn't work and has ended in tragedy, there is one tired and true method though to keep the house for your family to live in without it being "yours" and still having a home to come back to though not your own. Every movable item that was in the home when you occupied it needs to been gotten rid of for good, just as if you were selling your home, and now instead of selling it you can give it to any son, nephew, or boy you've raised as long as he is older than 12 and younger than 28 and unmarried and fertile and the transfer means he truly legally owns the house, and his decisions and his alone are what goes regarding issues of the house and it does not transfer back to you without a market rate payment to the legal owner. Now if you're married you will need to get rid of everything that's yours without putting her out obviously. Usually it is best to sell everything you own together and get as much money as possible for it all. Then you can give her half the cash as it is considered hers but not any more than half and unfortunately no possessions even if they were "hers" as being in your house they'd be considered in your domain. Your half of the cash needs to be gotten rid of no gifting it to associates but should be the last thing to go so you can use it up until you leave. Your wife getting the other half she can (and may need to) help the new man of the house pay bills and without inviting danger. Remember though you wife owning the house is not an option and %100 of possessions and moveable items that were in the house before and when you leave need to be gone for good, this can be a lot more difficult than it first seems.

When you begin the quest the negative world takes an interest, you'll know because the Curse. Usually you will have a constant audience of 2-6 coming and going ghouls, some their think they're gambling others bureaucrats but no one knows why they follow and they don't react or seem to do anything besides come, watch, follow, and leave. There was my great uncle who never got into a fight in his life and was loved by all that set out at age 76 without saying where, why, or who and accomplished his task on his very last day of opportunity revealed on his deathbed 15 years later that he did so with the collusion of a ghoul. I don't know if he was out of it or just joking and telling a tale but I've wondered if it was true and if so how it happened, how they communicated to even set a simple plan of action let alone apparently shared complex concepts like that of a collusion. I mean, what was the nature of their agreement? Why would it care or gain, and I don't even want to know who or what they needed to keep their partnership secret from. Sometimes I'd think for hours about that word, mostly I hoped he meant something else.

Anyways you leave your home one day completely nude, it is customary for a neighbor who you don't usually associate with to provide you a very basic meager outfit as a charity. Now you have 1 year exactly for your quest. Usually you'll walk a brisk 10 miles right out of your community as the Curse always joins you on the exact morning of your departure and it is important to separate them from your community to prevent corruption. Outside your community corruption effects seems weak enough that you can spend a few hours in proximity with someone without putting them in too much danger. This is useful so you can get a job but it needs to be one that doesn't require consistently close proximity to others for long hours. You'll need to plan how

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