I [30f] have spent my whole life focusing on my career path to become a physician. I'm feeling insecure around my girlfriend [25f] who is much more experienced. Scared I'm one-dimensional.

From what you write she doesn't sound like she expects you to make a 180 and become this firework of crazy ideas. Just that she wants you to make new experiences. Learn a new language. Visit a different place. Meet new people. What exactly is there that would stop you from doing this? You sound like the barrier is in your head - you think of yourself as boring. And right now you probably are. And now you take your gorgeous girlfriend and visit a new country, eat food you've never tried, speak a language you've never spoken, meet people you've never met and by the incredible magic of human experience, you are more interesting. People aren't born with interesting experiences. Go out, do stuff. People are still going to be sick when you come back in three weeks. Take all that money you make and buy to plane tickets. Or just do a road trip. Learn to juggle.

And maybe, just maybe, being stable is exactly what she wants. I recently went to the weeding of a good friend who is the fireworks-of-crazy in her relationship. She is now married to the most boring person I've ever met. Dry toast is pure excitement in comparison. And this is precisely what she wants. Someone reliable with a steady job and steady money who won't cheat on her and doesn't have 10k debt with a drug lord (actual problem with one of her ex...). Just be open for new stuff. I don't think your partner expects more than that

/r/relationships Thread