50 years ago, casual racism, sexism, etc was accepted/tolerated by most of society. What do we tolerate/accept now that the next generation won't?

I will make comments here that will, almost guaranteed, be treated as transphobic, despite that NOT being the case.

One of the biggest issues that bothers me with the current state of political correctness around gender / sexuality issues is it seems to have put a complete and total end to any medical research on the topic. Maybe it just isn't public, maybe it doesn't exist, I don't know.

Right now there is only one treatment for gender identity issues: acceptance. We don't (seem) to have any medical treatment, and we all know that any kind of psychological treatment is a total disaster often leading to suicide. I agree this is not a 'treatment' option.

My concern is how often you see someone that falls into LGBTQ whatever designation that as, a layperson, you immediately feel suffered some sort of developmental issue, hormonal or otherwise. An actual physiological cause that might, with proper diagnosis and treatment, be a reversible condition. However it feels like any such suggestion is absolutely crucified in public opinion.

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