9900K : what's next ? Price drop or any short term replacement ?

Literally your entire account is just a big crusade to talk down on AMD while putting Intel on a pedestal because you bought a trash laptop in 2013

Legit. I bought an AMD gaming laptop in 2013 and a year and a bit later the graphics drivers were put on legacy where as the old Intel and NVIDIA machine I had laying around was still getting latest drivers. AMD to me is always problematic to some degree. I just require stability. I know everything I need to use works with Intel and if it ain't broke I ain't fixing anything regardless if I can save a few pennies here and there.

so please don't even try to take moral high ground by saying "this is an Intel sub so nobody should ever recommend AMD".

You're the equivalent of an Apple power user shittalking Android because their $150 Android they purchased in 2012 wasn't performing the same as an $800 iPhone in 2015.

/r/intel Thread Parent