It's about $4

I've been to those places with that kind of that money for that exact purpose, here's how it will go down. Firstly if I mob doesn't form and rob you, you can expect to have some jerk off government official come up with some tax you have never heard of for coming into the country, -$100 - $200 at the airport. Then you want a cab but they explain it's too dangerous outside and you can't legally be allowed to leave the airport with a security detail, this is usually and old man driver and some 17 year old kid with an AK47 that looks twice as heavy as he does, then you get to you "food and medicine" and get told there is a special fee that must be paid to the department of whatever they make up, basically someone in government know what your about to do and wants a cut or they won't release your cargo, the country has none of its own so you have to bring it -$500 to $1000 then you get told you need a special security detail to go into the poor neighborhoods cause of crime -$500 to $1000. Now you and you group of teenage soldiers (Half of whom sleep in the back because they know there is no threat you were just getting extorted) travel into village X. Village X as a "Community Elder" The elder demands tribute for coming into their area to distribute aid, yes that's right they will want money from you to come into the area and feed the people they can't, -$500 to $1000. Then mid way through distribution the fighting in the crowds start, the village elder blames you for bringing disharmony to his area and demands that the soldiers with you remain behind for 24 hours to ensure peace so gangs don't just rob the area of all of your aid, -$1000 to $2000. Suddenly some official government soldiers roll into town and some fucker in a fresh suit approachs. He is government minister X and he is pissed off because you are distributing aid in his area without paying him for the proper documentation, documentation that you didn't know really existed because he just made it up. He explains unless you pay for the documentation all of the aid will be seized from the families, but you're in luck because he happens to have the documents in the back of his car and can authorise you for a small cash fee -$1000 to $2000. You go home furious and honestly consider whether it's worth helping when as little as a few hundred dollars out of every ten thousand dollars makes it to the people who need it.

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