Adderall withdrawal

First off, sorry to hear that. I really am.

I’ve gone from a prescribed daily 50mg (30xr + 20ir) to zero cold turkey more than I’d like over the last 4 years. I’ve done this for a span of 2-3 weeks, depending on how much I’ve used over my prescribed daily amount. Usually, a months worth will be gone in 2 weeks. I work a pretty stressful job that has periods where my attention to detail has to be at super maximum and I wind up going overboard more than I’d prefer to during that span.

Having said that, the worst of my withdrawals has me SUPER sleepy for about 5 days while my brain readjusts to not having that stimulation. I mean, nap during the day and sleep 10+ hours and still be tired kind of sleepy. I can barely function during that span, but I try to power through it with coffee and caffeine pills. But don’t go overboard!

I’ve never felt any extremes like suicide or harm to myself or others or anything like that.

I don’t eat right, exercise other than walking around long structures during my inspections; or drink nearly enough water; and that’s the worst of it for me.

This is just my personal experience, may be different for you.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you need any other info!

/r/ADHD Thread