After the 1996 Port Arthur massacre the Australian government introduced the Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1996 to raise $500 million through a one-off increase in the Medicare levy to initiate the 'gun buy back scheme' where they bought privately owned guns from the people and destroyed them

I grew up hunting. Everyone in my family has multiple guns. I have a gun (US). I was taught gun safety at a very young age. My stepdad has guns. My step-dad is an asshole, more of an asshole than average. He's an abusive piece of shit. Thinks like a lot of gun owners I've met and lived with. Always talked about what he would do if someone broke into his house and just gives off very "iM a bAd Ass" vibes. Well, I was visiting my mom one night with my wife and son. He came home got in his "bad ass" mindset and came up to me while I was cooking dinner with my mom and grabbed me by the shirt and said, "Remember, this was his house." He hadn't put his hands on me since I was an adult and it was one time to many. I pushed him back and he fell to the ground and told him he was never going to lay hands on me again. In not so many words... Told my wife and son to go to the car we were leaving. They were getting their bags out of the back room and I walked back there to wait for them so we could leave. I heard my mom shout and I turned around to see him walking down the hallway with his .380 (I think it was, he always referred to it as "his James bond gun" pointed at me. He kept walking down the hallway with it pointed at me and got up in my face with the gun pointed at me with my wife right behind me and my son in the room. When he was close I grabbed the gun and pushed it up so it was pointed towards the ceiling. It was a small gun and I wasn't to precise but he pulled the trigger and the bullet (thank fucking god!) Just went through a part of my hand. The problem with people like this is that they tell themselves they are so fucking tough and belive they are basically SFs. Once that illusion is broken and they don't look so tough anymore and will be violent to try and fix their self image.

Wow.. I can't believe I typed all that out, first time I have talked about it since the deposition and now I'm just throwing it out on reddit lol

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