After matching with 6 of those "Send me $5" profiles in under 30 minutes, I decided to fuck with one of them. Here are the results with the rest of the story in the comments

The rest of the screenshot says "with the same username/last name as their Facebook". Yes, her email was [email protected], and her profile was the first thing that came up when I Facebooked it.

The rest of the exchange went like this:

Her: You don't have to be rude. Me: I am not being rude. I am just trying to make money of dumb people on Tinder. Now that I have screnshots of this conversation, will you send $5 to my PayPal, or would you like to see what happens?

I got immediately unmatched. Hence why I don't have a screenshot of this, and the conversation just kind of got cut there. I was taking them as the conversation went whenever it filled a whole screen.

I obviosuly had no intentions of sending those screenshots to anyone she know or exposing her personal info to anyone, but I thought this whole trend was stupid and decided to fuck with one of them. Again, my intentions were just to fuck with them and not do anything else. I hope she learned her lesson and stopped doing this for the night.

/r/Tinder Thread Link -