AITA because I want to work for 2 hours only but still be paid for 8?

I'm on my knees scrubbing toilets while I'm studying organic chemistry in school, and I don't see it as a tragedy and I don't see humble work as being beneath me, so I also don't see a pilot stocking shelves as some sort of tragedy, undignified or beneath him or her. Work is work and if you do a good job there's nothing shameful in it.

I've NEVER had a problem becoming employed no matter what the employment rate is anywhere that I've lived and how many people around me have complained about not being able to get a job. That's because I take all kinds of "humble" jobs and do them extremely well, no job is beneath me. If you take that attitude then you won't see it as a tragedy for anyone to stock shelves and I also firmly believe that being fine with humble jobs makes someone a survivor.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent