Daily Coronavirus / Covid-19 Discussion 15 April 2020

I moved in with my husband after like 9 months of dating and oh my god it was horrible lol. We fought so much that at one point I was asking myself if this was worth the hassle and I’m sure he had the same thought.

Honestly, the best thing you guys can do is community very, very honestly. If you need space from him, make that clear. If he does something that annoy him, gently let him know and make sure he does the same with you. I remember when I first moved in, I didn’t voice my discomfort or annoyance and neither did he because we were tip toeing around each other. However, this led to a lot of resentment and lots of explosive fights.

Lastly, being quarantined with anyone including your parents, best friends, and significant others is going to be difficult no matter what. I’ve been married for almost 3 years now and the beginning of this quarantine was rough for us, we had a huge fight. It’s still rough but we’re getting the hang of this new situation. Anyways, hope everything works out and sending good vibes!

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