AITA? Did I just out someone?

My point is that the people shouldn’t need to correct them. If I called everybody he/him/his until they told me they don’t like that because I personally think other pronouns are stupid that would be shitty.

Again not really the same when him/he/his do imply gender. They does not, it's neutral & unspecified. It's a non-characteristic defining word.

Gender neutral pronouns can be invalidating for trans folks who have to deal with people not accepting their pronouns, and cis people who don’t conform to gender norms.

And I'll call them by their desired pronouns. I'm not going to pretend they is specified to anything though. It's used when gender is unknown or irrelevant.

If you don’t know someone’s pronouns ask, don’t just use the ones you like best. It’s not rocket science

Likewise if you don't want people calling you a word that is inherently neutral & is used as such then say something. It's not rocket science.

You chose a weird ass hill to die on.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent