AITA for accusing my girlfriend of getting pregnant intentionally?

My question though is for someone like me where one of the main appeals of having sex in the first place is being able to have sex with an actual vagina (sorry for the objectifying language but I think it's appropriate given the context) and not with a condom. Regardless of how good it still feels with a condom on or whatever, at the end of the day, my dick is still going ejaculate into a rubber sleeve instead of a vagina. That thought sounds really depressing to me.

Because of this, I would much rather not have sex than to have sex with a condom on. I would think that this should be a pretty uncontroversial opinion (since it's not like I'm forcing/asking anyone to do anything) but all the incensed replies tell me that it isn't. It might be because of how I phrased my initial comment but I'm not sure.

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