AITA for asking my parents if we're rich and like to complain or broke with horrible spending habits

NAH This is a great example about competing financial priorities. Often people say “I can’t afford to fix the cracks in the wall” but what they really mean is “I would rather spend money on something other than the cracks.”

A great lesson that I learned at a young age is that wealth is about mindset and not a number. You could feel rich on a number and someone else feels poor on the same number. For example, there are plenty of millionaires who feel poor because they are not billionaires - and the rest of us are rolling our eyes at them because they seem rich to us.

And easy way to get into the right mindset is to abolish “I can’t afford it” from your vocabulary and ask your parents to do the same. Swap it with “That’s not a priority for me today.”

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread