AITA for being frustrated at my friend for not being able to finish a hike.

God, where to start. We've been friends for 6 years now and I've always valued her friendship, but shes always been a bit flakey, in that she starts doign things but doesnt finish.

The last year she's been going through some things and for a long time stopped hanging out with me. I'd initiate things but she'd just reject me. we talked it out but things were never the same in that she just didnt make an effort to see me.

Then this year I started law school and made quite a few new friends and she just keeps telling me how lucky I am to have met all these new people and getting weird whenever I mentioned them and acting like I was leaving her behind, even though I've consistently tried to include her in things and I just get turned down. I guess it bothers me because I am a shy person and I really had to push myself to get involved and meet these new people and I felt really abandoned by her (she was my best friend and it felt like she'd just dropped me from her life) and then she was guilting me for having new friends.

This trip was the first time we'd hung out in months and I guess thats why I'm upset at how this hike turned out, in that she just couldn't muster the effort to train and prepare herself for something she said she wanted to do with me.

Sorry, I'm realising now how much I needed to vent. Thanks for asking haha.

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