Cologne police defend use of racial profiling on New Year's Eve: In a bid to prevent a repeat of last year's sex attacks, state police focused on men of North African descent on New Year's Eve. Police Chief Jürgen Mathies has faced criticism for praising the sucess of the practice

Uh, black people commit 53% of murders in the USA, yet they make up 13% of the popultion. source

This is insanely disproportionate. That means if you took 100 people that are proportioned to the population distribution by race, in the USA; you'd have 13 black people. This also means there are roughly 41.5 million black people living in the USA

Now, in 2015 there were about 15.6k reported homicides.

15.6k x 52.5% = ~8200 homicides.

8200 homicides out of 41.5 million black people basically means that for roughly every 5000 african americans, at least one has committed a murder this year.

That sounds pretty low though, right?

Except when you compare it to the rest of the population, another 8200 murders for the other 277.5 million people living in the USA, you wind up having a rate of one murder for roughly every 39000 people.

Meaning, african americans are almost 8 times as likely to commit a murder than literally the rest of the US population - and they make up 13%.

Please, tell me why racial profiling is a bad idea? Don't get me wrong, I think it needs to be completely overhauled the way it's done in the USA, as there is a LOT of shit treatment going on because of it. But at its core concept, why would you not keep an eye on a group of people that are statistically 8 times more likely to murder someone than anyone else?

Seriously, I've never had an answer that goes beyond "because white privilege and down with racism!".

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