AITA for calling my fiance a trigger happy loon and threatening to cancel our wedding?

Wait let me get this straight…Future bride uninvited the soon to be groom’s parents from the (ALSO his) wedding because they did not share the same opinions with her over flowers!?

What did I just read…Surely the silliest reason I’ve ever heard for uninviting someone to a wedding. She has gone off the rails indeed OP.

NTA for confronting her bridezilla behavior. Stressful or not, she’s out of hand uninviting your PARENTS over the stupidest thing. Period.

She’s the one showing all kinds of disrespect, not only towards them, but towards you as well.

I can’t help but feel like you calling off the wedding would be the best decision, but that’s no one else’s call but yours.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread